Monday, June 20, 2011

Baby Horses

Last spring we took our two stud horses out to be bred with 6 of the mares out in Gandy. Each of the studs were put with 3 mares. One mare lost her colt early, one of the mares didn't take, but 4 mares took.... and here's what we have so far.


Chris wanted to call this little guy Jr, but I told him there was already a horse named Jr (his Uncle Randy had a horse name Jr). Chris was wanting to name him after Dale Earnhard Jr, the NASCAR racing, who is his, Jared's and his cousin Scotty's, and I think his Aunt Mary's favorite racer. So I suggested we name him Carl Edwards after my favorite racer.... well it then got shortened to Eddy, and so far Eddy has stuck with this little guy.

Little Eddy was about 1 week old in these pictures, which were taken around the beginning of May... he's a little over a month old now, but he and his mommy don't like to be bugged much, so we didn't get any new pictures of him on our trip out there this last weekend.


This little filly was born a bit on the little side. Chris said we should name her Tiny, after Tiny the Pteranodon on Dinosaur Train, the kids show on PBS that he likes to watch every morning.

some little goof ball decided I should take a picture of him instead of anymore pictures of Tiny and her mom..... this was my "tiny" baby....4 years later :-)

This guy is Magic, he is the daddy of Eddy and Tiny. He's a pretty good guy, here he is checking Chris out, and I think he is actually letting Chris pet him.... or maybe I should say Chris is actually letting him sniff his hand. This picture was taken when it was still a bit chilly so he's still really scruffy looking.

These are the only two babies that we got from the 3 mares that were bred with Magic, the other mare lost her colt early.... sad but it happens.


This is Oreo about a week old
Chris decided we should name her Oreo since she's black and white like an oreo cookie... I thought it was a good idea, and the name has stuck

Oreo so far is the only one of the babies that will let anyone get close to's how close Jared and Caitlin were able to get. Caitlin said she was able to pet her the other day.... but she wasn't quite as cooperative this time.

wait for me mom!

my right side

"Do these makings make my butt look fat"

and the left side

like I said, she is much more photogenic and willing to let people closer.... maybe it was all the people there in the back ground that the others weren't so thrilled about.


this is the 4th and last colt to be born. Jared said HE's naming this one Junior! I'm sure Chris will be happy with that name, seeing as how he wanted to name the first colt Junior, but then it ended up being Eddy.


This is Diego, Oreo and Junior's daddy... and kind of my boy. There is one more baby on the way of Diego's. We were hoping it would be born by the time we all went out for the reunion, but no luck.... can't wait to see what our last baby is going to look like!

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