We headed up to Yellowstone for a few days for a little vacation. Chris was really looking forward to seeing all the animals again. I was looking forward to both the wildlife and the geysers, and hot spring.
Me and Jared (it was a little chilly that morning)
Chris got a mommy grizzly bear for the baby grizzly bear he got last year, and he wanted to carry it in his jacket....I think its pretty darn cute
our trio with The Lower Yellowstone Falls in the background
Mr Cheeser with The Lower Yellowstone Falls
Lower Yellowstone Falls
Lower Yellowstone Falls, such a beautiful place
My guys
Upper Yellowstone Falls
Just above the falls
top of the Upper Falls
Firehole River Falls
Black Cauldron.... one of my favorites
3 goof balls with the Black Cauldron behind us
My goof balls
Mommy and me with a mud pot behind us
Lil man pointed out all the buffalo poop along the trail, he thought it was hilarious that there was poop on the trail
another Mommy and me shot
someone stole mom's sunglasses
mmuuaahh ... eat your hearts out ladies
You can't go to Yellowstone and not go see Old Faithful
Lil Man and Old Faithful
Old Faithful erupting
Mommy and me at Old Faithful
another random geyser
Lil man on one of the geyser walks
Of course there has to be wildlife at Yellowstone!
some buffalo
one of the many elk we saw, this was actually one of the smaller bull elk we saw, however he was chasing off an even smaller one
and we had one of them stick his tongue out at us
one of about 5 coyotes we saw
one of two wild wolves we saw! This was the first time I've ever seen the wild wolves in the park. There were two here, this grey one and a black one, but I was only able to get a picture of this grey one
another shot of the grey wolf
we saw a black bear this time
one of the grizzly bears at the Discovery Center in West Yellowstone
stuck in a bear trap
caught me a little man!
checking out a wolf den
We had a great time on this trip. We had a lot of fun looking for all the wild animals. Chris gets a big kick out of the buffalo that are right along the road and that are close to the car. He thought the geysers were pretty cool, but he said they were stinky.
Would you believe I went to Yellowstone and never saw Old Faithful??? It's true! Kambree did NOT do well in the car so I only saw a fraction of the sights on the first day. The next day, Jason's mom took the older 4 kids and saw all the rest of the fun stuff! :( Sad for me but fun for them! Glad you guys had a good time!!
ReplyDeletethats just not right....you gotta see all the great geology in the park (in my opinion) and of course the animals :-)